0.00% Federal bond 2021 (2036)

15-year Federal bond
Price (22.10.2024)
75.74 -0.93%
Yield (22.10.2024)
2.43% +0.08 PP
Current Price
52 week highs 77.83
52 week lows 68.78
Price incl. accrued interest 75.74
Accrued interest 0.00
Current Yield
+0.08 PP
52 week highs 3.03%
52 week lows 2.06%

Issuance data

Issuer Federal Republic of Germany
Maturity segment 15 years
Issuance volume 26,750,000,000 €
Issuance currency
Issuance date 03.03.2021
Maturity 15.05.2036
Smallest tradable unit 0.01 €
Stock-market listing yes
Eligibility for security gilt-edged
Terms of issue Download (PDF)

Coupon data

Coupon in % 0.00
Payable annually
Interest calculated from 05. March 2021
First interest payment 15. May 2022
Next interest payment 15. May 2025
Interest calculation actual/actual (ICMA)

Price and yield data are Deutsche Bundesbank reference prices.

Date Type Lowest accepted price Average price Average yield Bid/Cover ratio
03.03.2021 New Issue 100.82 100.90 -0.06% 1.2
31.03.2021 Reopening 99.65 99.68 0.02% 1.3
28.04.2021 Reopening 98.99 99.03 0.06% 1.3
26.05.2021 Reopening 98.42 98.43 0.11% 1.1
23.06.2021 Reopening 98.73 98.75 0.08% 1.2
28.07.2021 Reopening 102.65 102.69 -0.18% 1.1
22.09.2021 Reopening 100.83 100.87 -0.06% 1.1
27.10.2021 Reopening 99.70 99.73 0.02% 1.3
24.11.2021 Reopening 100.80 100.83 -0.06% 1.1
19.01.2022 Reopening 97.83 97.84 0.15% 1.1
23.02.2022 Reopening 94.80 94.82 0.37% 2.7
02.08.2023 Reopening 71.92 71.93 2.61% 2.3
10.07.2024 Reopening 73.80 73.81 2.60% 3.8
09.10.2024 Reopening 76.46 76.46 2.34% 4.9

Price and yield data are Deutsche Bundesbank reference prices.

Date Type Volume Bids Competitive bids Non-competitive bids Allotted volume Retention quote
03.03.2021 New Issue 3,000 € mn 2,974 € mn 804 € mn 2,170 € mn 2,539.5 € mn 460.5 € mn
31.03.2021 Reopening 2,500 € mn 2,752 € mn 1,099 € mn 1,653 € mn 2,070.35 € mn 429.65 € mn
28.04.2021 Reopening 2,500 € mn 2,701 € mn 1,011 € mn 1,690 € mn 2,131.5 € mn 368.5 € mn
26.05.2021 Reopening 2,500 € mn 1,830 € mn 245 € mn 1,585 € mn 1,730 € mn 770 € mn
23.06.2021 Reopening 2,500 € mn 2,563 € mn 606 € mn 1,957 € mn 2,063.15 € mn 436.85 € mn
28.07.2021 Reopening 2,500 € mn 1,990 € mn 480 € mn 1,510 € mn 1,790 € mn 710 € mn
22.09.2021 Reopening 2,500 € mn 2,066 € mn 634 € mn 1,432 € mn 1,862 € mn 638 € mn
27.10.2021 Reopening 2,000 € mn 1,925 € mn 702 € mn 1,223 € mn 1,509 € mn 491 € mn
24.11.2021 Reopening 2,000 € mn 1,080 € mn 277 € mn 803 € mn 980 € mn 1,020 € mn
19.01.2022 Reopening 1,500 € mn 1,522 € mn 258 € mn 1,264 € mn 1,325.8 € mn 174.2 € mn
23.02.2022 Reopening 1,500 € mn 3,487 € mn 1,247 € mn 2,240 € mn 1,283 € mn 217 € mn
02.08.2023 Reopening 750 € mn 1,405 € mn 457 € mn 948 € mn 609.2 € mn 140.8 € mn
10.07.2024 Reopening 500 € mn 1,726 € mn 261 € mn 1,465 € mn 457.25 € mn 42.75 € mn
09.10.2024 Reopening 500 € mn 1,988 € mn 210 € mn 1,778 € mn 408.38 € mn 91.62 € mn