Found entries (1145)
Press release
Issuance calendar of the Federal Government Overview for the year 2009 and detailed data for the first quarter
18. December 2008The overview for the year contains one-off issues with a total volume of € 323 billion which serve to finance the Federal Government budget in 2009 and the measures intended for the stabilisation of financial markets.
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Press release
Auction Group Bund Issues
16. December 2008A total of 37 issues of the Federal Government (Federal Bonds, five-year Federal notes, Federal Treasury notes Treasury discount paper and inflation-linked German Government Securities) have been placed by auction via the “Auction Group Bund Issues”…
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Press release
Starke Nachfrage nach Bundeswertpapieren
25. September 2008Weniger als drei Monate nach Einführung hat die Tagesanleihe des Bundes ein Bestandsvolumen von über 500 Mio. Euro erreicht.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the fourth quarter of 2008
22. September 2008The Federal Government intends to launch the following issues in the fourth quarter of 2008 for the funding of the Federal budget:
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Press release
Reopening of the Treasury discount papers of the Federal Republic of Germany (”Bubills“)
22. September 2008The Treasury discount papers of the Federal Republic of Germany (Unverzinsliche Schatzanweisungen des Bundes ”Bubills“) with maturity January 14, 2009, February 18, 2009 and March 18, 2009 (ISIN DE0001115186 / SIN 111518, ISIN DE0001115194 / SIN 1115…
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Press release
Bund startet Vertrieb der Tagesanleihe
01. July 2008Ab dem 1. Juli 2008 können Anleger die neue Tagesanleihe des Bundes exklusiv bei der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Finanzagentur GmbH erwerben.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the third quarter of 2008
24. June 2008The Federal Government intends to launch the following issues in the third quarter of 2008 for the funding of the Federal budget:
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Press release
Bund begibt Tagesanleihe
27. May 2008Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland wird ihr Angebot an verzinslichen Wertpapieren ausweiten.
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Press release
Finanzmarktkrise und Anlageverhalten: Auswirkungen vor allem bei Aktieninvestments
24. April 2008Die globale Finanzmarktkrise hat das Anlageverhalten der Deutschen bisher kaum beeinflusst.
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Press release
Issues planned by the Federal Government in the second quarter of 2008
19. March 2008The Federal Government intends to launch the following issues in the second quarter of 2008 for the funding of the Federal budget: