Issuance outlook of the Federal government for the 4th quarter 2024

The issuance plan of the Federal government for the fourth quarter 2024 has been published.

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Green Federal Securities

The allocation report for green Federal securities 2023 was published on 28 March 2024.

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Economic Stabilisation Fund

On 15 May 2024, the 2023 financial statement of the ESF was published.

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Financial Market Stabilisation Fund

On 28 June 2024, the 2023 financial statement of the FMS was published.

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  • Federal Bond 10 Years
  • 2.18 %20.09.2024
  • 2.20 %19.09.2024

For the Federal Government at the Financial Center Frankfurt Targets and Objectives

Debt management from a single source: For the Federal government as the benchmark issuer in the euro area, the Finance Agency ensures the most cost-effective and low-risk financing possible.

It was founded specifically for this important task. Today, its field of activity has expanded to include tasks for financial market stabilisation and economic stabilisation.

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Issuance Calendar
Issuance Outlook Q4 / 2024

The Federal government announced its updated issuance outlook for the fourth quarter of 2024 on 18 September 2024.

Issuance Calendar
Issuance Outlook Q3

The Federal government has announced its updated issuance outlook for the third quarter of 2024 on 18 June 2024.

Syndicate Green Federal Bond

The Federal government successfully reopened the 1.80% Green Federal Bond 2023 (2053) via syndicate on 4 June 2024.

Green Securities
Multi-ISIN-Auction Green Bonds

The first multi-ISIN auction of two green Federal securities was successfully carried out on 23 January 2024. The 1.30% Green Federal note 2022 (2027) and the 1.80% 30-year Green Federal bond 2023 (2053) were issued.

Issuance Calendar
Publication of issuance plan 2024

The Federal government has published its issuance planning for 2024 on 19 December 2023.

Bund Issues Auction Group
Rankinglist Bund Issues Auction Group

On 11 December 2023, the ranking of the Bund Issues Auction Group for 2023 was published.

Federal government discontinues programme for inflation-linked bonds

The Federal government has decided to withdraw from the market for inflation-linked bonds: From 2024, no further inflation-linked Federal securities will be issued, nor will already outstanding securities be reopened.

Federal Government Borrowing Report

The latest report by the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) on federal borrowing in 2022 is now available (only in German).

Green Securities
New Green Bond Investor Presentation

The updated investor presentation for Green Federal securities is now available.

Our Tasks

Debt Statistics
  • Debt level
  • Borrowing needs
  • Redemptions
  • Interest rates

Statistics on the Federal Funding - graphically presented and up-to-date.

Types of Federal Securities
Federal Securities

Federal securities are available for almost every investment period. They are regularly issued with original maturities ranging from 1 to 30 years. Some Federal securitites offer additional protection against inflation, others coverage of green spending in the Federal budget.

Economic Stabilisation Fund

The Economic Stabilisation Fund (ESF) was able to cushion the impact of the Corona pandemic on the national economy. It manages several recapitalisation measures for companies in the real economy and loans to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

Financial Market Stabilisation Fund

With assistance of the Financial Market Stabilisation Fund (FMS), the German banking sector was supported during the financial market crisis. Today, the special fund manages the Federal government's shares in Commerzbank as well as other capital measures.

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For experienced professionals, students and graduates, debt management and stabilisation measures offer interesting entry opportunities and development prospects.


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